Boost your health with these free workout options

Boost your health with these free workout options

Exercise is always important for general wellbeing but during stressful times its benefits are amped up.  Movement decreases muscular tension, increased heart rate helps the body produce HDL cholesterol (the good stuff!), improves your mood, boosts energy and helps you sleep better.  Those are only some of the exciting benefits of exercise!  With all the fitness centers closed, healthy at home and social distancing in place, we may need to get a little creative to include exercise in our days.  Here are some safe and free exercise resources for you from our partners:

  • N Site Health and Wellness tab and blog — N Good Health posts workouts three times per week that are 30 minutes or less, can be done in a small space with no equipment necessary.  You will also find family fun activities to get the whole family moving.
  • YMCA of Greater Louisville website – workout wherever you are with:
    • Y360 On Demand videos
    • Free access to over 100 Les Mills workouts with 10 categories
    • Daily LifeFitness workouts of the day (WOD)
    • Streaming MOSSA MOVE workouts
  • Facebook – visit specific local YMCA branch pages for daily no-equipment needed quick workouts
  • Planet Fitness Home Work-ins – “United We Move” Youtube channel offering daily, equipment and sneakers optional total body workouts
  • The great outdoors – blaze new paths on sidewalks or trails unexplored by you and your family.  Remember to maintain the 6-foot social distancing guidelines when hop on a bicycle or lace up your shoes for a walk, ride or run

Move more, feel fabulous!