“What do you eat?” I hear this question a lot and try to dodge it by reminding people that nutritional goals are individualized and no diet is or should be the same. A healthy diet can vary widely based on a lot of factors, but, in an attempt to actually answer the question, here we go…
Breakfast: Avocado toast on a slice of whole wheat or Ezekiel bread with olive oil, half of an avocado, salt, pepper and sprinkled chia seeds. Glass of water and a cup of coffee with Natural Bliss or coconut milk creamer.
Mid-morning snack: I don’t always need a snack; however, if I’m heading to the Y @ Work at lunch, I will have an Rx Bar.
Lunch: I mostly pack leftovers, but if I’m eating from a Norton Healthcare cafeteria, I’ll pick up a scoop of tuna salad with a side of veggies and hummus.
Afternoon snack: Cup of coffee with Natural Bliss or coconut milk creamer with a piece of dark chocolate with 60% or higher cocoa.
Dinner: Some of my favorite at-home meals include tasty salads like an arugula salad with whole wheat couscous, sweet potatoes topped with taco fixings, baked potato bar, chicken curry, French toast, whole wheat noodles with shrimp, pesto and parmesan cheese, homemade pizza and fun wraps.
Does every day look like this? Not a chance. I go out to eat and indulge in “pleasure food meals” on Friday and Saturday nights where I’ll eat pizza or get carry out without thinking about nutritional value. Do I ever get tired and make less than healthy choices? Of course! But if you plan ahead you can set yourself up for success. Happy eating!
Be sure to follow #NortonEats on Instagram for more food and nutrition information.