Do you Self-Care?

Do you Self-Care?

Last month we determined that self-care is essentially the practice of taking an active role in preserving our own well-being and happiness.  This practice could mean something different for you than it does for your spouse or coworker but the benefits are for everyone that partakes.  The benefits of self-care include an increase in resilience, emotional intelligence, mental flexibility, willingness to collaborate plus others.  Next month we will share more benefits and give additional tips on self-care.  Here are 15 more ways to provide yourself with self-care:

Here are 15 more ways to provide yourself with self-care:

  1. Treat yourself like your best friend
  2. Take a walk
  3. Volunteer for a cause
  4. Practice asking for/accepting help
  5. Read and reflect
  6. Exercise
  7. Color/draw/paint
  8. Take time off
  9. Maintain your boundaries
  10. Create something
  11. Set aside time for yourself
  12. Don’t be a negative sponge
  13. Practice mindfulness
  14. Appreciate nature
  15. Make healthy food choices

*source:  National Safe Place Network