Category: <span>Mindful Mondays</span>

Monday Motivation

It can be hard to stay motivated & maintain a positive attitude when you’re in a funk; today, that changes.  ​ When you look for the good in others, you will appreciate them more & overlook their shortcomings.  When you give a compliment, you make the world a better place- better …

Monday Motivation

Not only is dancing FUN, it’s also a full-body workout & it’s excellent for your heart, balance & coordination. It can be a great creative outlet & also a great way to relieve stress. You don’t have to be a pro- simply turn on one of your favorite songs & …

Do you Self-Care?

Last month we determined that self-care is essentially the practice of taking an active role in preserving our own well-being and happiness.  This practice could mean something different for you than it does for your spouse or coworker but the benefits are for everyone that partakes.  The benefits of self-care …