Banana Facts:
- Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the American diet.
- Bananas grow on plants that are officially considered an herb.
- The banana is actually classified as a berry.
- Bananas may be considered a mood enhancer because it contains the amino acid, tryptophan and Vitamin B6 that helps the body produce serotonin.
- The bananas we eat today, the Cavendish, are different from pre-1960s’ bananas, the Gros Michael, as those have been wiped out by “the panama disease.”
- Bananas can help lower blood pressure and protect heart health due to high potassium and low salt content.
- The inside of a banana peel can help relieve itching and inflammation, such as from bug bit or poison ivy.
- Bananas are great pre-workout snacks because they are loaded with potassium that aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function during work outs.