Getting stress working from home? It can be a big adjustment for a lot of us now having to work from home. With new adjustments and routines can bring stress along with it. Stress in the short term or long term can have its own negative effects on the body. It’s important not to let stress take over our lives.
There are different strategies to help you stay healthy and bring life into balance.
Develop a schedule
Setting a schedule can help with the new daily routines. Set your alarm to get up every day, just like you would if you had to commute to work. Maybe now you can get an extra 30 minutes of sleep because you don’t have to spend 30 minutes to work. Or you decide to work out for 30 minutes in the morning now? Having a plan can make it easier to stick to it.
Designate workspace at home
Find a well-lit place at home, whether in an office or even a small corner of the living room. Wherever it is make sure it’s a place you can concentration and be productive.
Stay away fromwatching the television or listening radio news on while working.
Stay physically active
Make sure to set aside for some physical activity each day. With the weather warming up, there should be a lot of days where you can get outside. Go for a walk, if you visit a park make sure you practice social distancing. Don’t have weights or equipment? You can do a lot of exercises just using your own body weight. Keep checking out the Health and Wellness tab for more tips to getting fit.
Eat healthy
When you are making your grocery list, make sure you are purchasing nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. With limited food available right not at the grocery, try to stay away from the processed foods and store-bought cookies. Instead bake homemade cookies, might be a fun family activity.
Avoid social isolation
Even though we are practicing social distancing, doesn’t mean we cannot chat with family and friends. Facetime, Skype or Zoom to name a few can be a great tools with connecting with our loved once.
Focus on the positive
Staying positive can keep our spirits up and boost morale around the house.
Scource: American Heart Association