Research has shown that slowing your breathing lowers levels of anxiety, calming your brain & enabling you to deal with challenges more effectively & efficiently. Taking slow, deep breaths can also help you notice & enjoy the moment you’re in & give you a nice mental break.
There are so many different apps out there for breathing (Calm, Headspace, the Mindfulness app, even Apple Watches have a feature that encourages deep breaths! Neat, right?), but if you’d like something to try right now, give this a shot:
Count to 4 as you breathe in.
Hold for 4 counts
Breathe out for 4 counts.
Hold for 4 counts.
Repeat 4 or more times.
Breathe in through your nose & out through your mouth.
Let your belly expand.
Relax your body as you breathe.
Congrats! You’ve done your first deep breathing exercise. If you’d like to kick it up a notch, try an app & try turning down the lights, sitting in a quiet, comfortable spot & really getting your zen on. 🙂