We use food to show love in so many ways. However, when we use food to show we care, we have to do just that . . . care. This holiday season, it is our responsibility to look out out for one another and play it safe.
COVID-19 has brought so many changes to our organization as well as our day to day life. Not surprisingly, it will affect the way we celebrate the holidays too. This is the time of year where departments across Norton Healthcare typically have potlucks and other gatherings. However, while we encourage you to find ways to celebrate with your team members, it is important not to let our guard down with safety precautions. Please review the attached guidelines for internal celebrations:
Food Safety:
- Any holiday meals/treats should be prepackaged (by manufacturer or restaurant) and distributed. No homemade treats this year
- Social distancing of 6 feet between place settings is necessary for any department meals. Do not approach others when masks are off.
- Potlucks, trays of treats and punch bowls should be skipped this year. This is a source of transmission.
- Provide hand sanitizer and disinfect eating areas after you have finished.
Alternatives to parties or meals:
- Zoom team parties. Have a best dressed or best decorations contest.
- Decorate an artificial tree on your unit. Have a contest for best ornament. (Please be sure to follow the “Hospital Interior Decorating Guidance” found on the Safety Portal Page.)
- Secret Santa gift swap (no homemade edibles)
- Door or cubicle decorating contest
- Ugly sweater contest (check with your manager first)
- Participate as a department to sponsor a Caring Tree family