- Don’t force yourself into an “all or nothing” approach. Avoid completely going rogue and eating whatever you want or believing you have to deprive yourself of everything. Tell yourself you can enjoy reasonably sized servings of these foods by following the plate method: half the plate should come from fruits and vegetables like grilled veggies or a fresh fruit salad, then a quarter of the plate can be filled with a carbohydrate dish like potato salad or baked beans, then add a serving of a protein like grilled chicken or BBQ. And don’t worry, you can still have the bun!
- Make smart choices. If you eat meat, stick to lean proteins like grilled chicken, turkey, or all beef hot dogs. Instead of indulging in sugar-sweetened beverages, opt to drink plenty of water. Try to make only one trip to the food table, fill up your plate then go mingle!
- Get active! If the weather is beautiful, use the opportunity to plan a group sport activity like volleyball, Frisbee, or a hike earlier in the day, before the party. This will help everyone stay active while also getting in more quality time together as family and friends.