Use these games to have more fun during a stairwell workout at work! Some function as a solo game, others need a partner.
Alphabet game:
- Start and stop as much as needed. May even take you the week! Go through the alphabet and say a word out loud that starts with each letter, one for every flight.
- Example: flight 1 – apple, flight 2 – bear, and so on.
- Can you remember everything you said?!
State game:
- Start and stop as much as needed. May even take you the month! Go through and name each state, one per flight.
- Example: flight 1 – Texas, flight 2 – Kentucky, and so on.
- Hope you have a good memory!
Mix it up:
- Don’t just walk up the stairs, try
- Double stairs
- Side steps
- Quick feet
- Step side to side to make a wider step
- “step aerobics style” where you just walk up and back down or jump up and step back down on one stair
Word game:
- First person starts with a word. Example: Tomato.
- Next person has to think of a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. Example: Octopus. And so on.
- You could event theme it. Examples: animals only!
- Want to make it hard? Race. Can your partner get to the top of the flight before you can think of another word?!
Partner workout:
- Person 1 goes up a set amount of flights and back down while person 2 is at the bottom doing one of the following while waiting. Hurry! Your partner is going to get tired!
- Marching in place
- Jumping jacks
- Wall push-ups
- Squats
- Wall sits
- Wall plank
- Switch places!