Do You Self-Care?

Do You Self-Care?

What exactly is “self-care?” 

It can be defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, especially during times of stress.  Engaging in self-care tends to increase happiness, sense of well-being, ability to focus, empathy, compassion for self and others plus other benefits. 

Over the next 3 weeks we will share more benefits of self-care and give some tips on how to take an active role in your self-care. 

Here are 15 tips to get your started:

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking water
  2. Stretch in order to relax and refocus
  3. Say “no” when you need to
  4. Set realistic goals and to-do lists
  5. Go outside and soak up the fresh air/sun
  6. Forgive yourself and others
  7. List five things you are grateful for each day
  8. Build positive social connections
  9. Drink hot tea
  10. Laugh
  11. Make sure to get enough rest
  12. Avoid blue lights (televisions, phones, electronics) an hour before bed
  13. Use your support system
  14. Play with a pet
  15. Find podcasts or music that encourage joy and relaxation

*sourceNational Safe Place Network