Category: <span>Events</span>

Burned out? We can help.

Your physical health is only part of your overall wellness journey. N Good Health is partnering with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by Wayne Corp. to offer healthy action points for in-person visits to support your mental well-being as part of Staying Balanced with EAP. You can earn 30 points per visit …

Get Healthy Walking at the Zoo

With the Louisville Zoo reopened for the season, you can earn N Good Health healthy action points for each day you sign in with the Get Healthy Walking Club! N Good Health has created a touch-free way to earn points for your visits. Upon arrival, just show your zoo membership …

SUNDAY is the LAST DAY to sign up for Summer Steps Showdown!

Who will come out on top? The challenge has begun- but you can still sign up! Go to to join your facility’s team. Sunday the 14th is the last day to sign up! Challenge runs June 8th – July 13th! Participating facilities: Norton Audubon Hospital Norton Brownsboro Hospital Norton Children’s Hospital/NCMC …

Summer Steps Showdown is Back!

Who will come out on top? The challenge has begun- but you can still sign up! Go to to join your facility’s team. Challenge runs June 8th – July 13th! Participating facilities: Norton Audubon Hospital Norton Brownsboro Hospital Norton Children’s Hospital/NCMC Norton Hospital Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital Norton Cancer Institute …