NGH Communities

National Walking Day is April 6th!

Join your Wellness Champions and co-workers along with N Good Health team members for a group walk to celebrate this day of movement!  Committing to walking at least 30 minutes you will join millions of people across the United States who are putting their health first and taking steps towards a healthier life.

Group walks will be led at the main hospitals at 10am, noon and 2pm. Not located at a main campus or off that day? Take the National Walking Day Pledge here!

Happy National Nutrition Month!

Every year during March, we celebrate National Nutrition Month®, which is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored by the Academy. It invites everyone to learn about making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month® is Celebrate a World of Flavors, which embraces global cultures, cuisines and inclusivity.

Enjoying the different flavors of the world is a chance to learn more about your own food culture as well as those that may be new to you. Familiar ingredients can be presented in new ways and new foods may remind you of things you already know and love. Or, you may also come across ingredients and flavors you’ve never experienced before.

Trying foods and recipes from various cultures is a great way to incorporate different flavors and healthful ingredients. Many cuisines offer dishes which include foods from each food group, so it’s possible to plan meals that are nutritious, well-balanced, and bursting with flavor.

Nicole McGloshen MS, RD, LD is the N Good Health team’s registered dietitian. She creates exciting nutrition-focused programs and events that educates our associates on the wonderful world of balanced eating. To celebrate National Nutrition Month, she and the N Good health Team have fun events planned throughout the month of March. 

Starting March 9, Every Wednesday during the month of March will feature an N Good Health Approved Entrée. Purchase the specified entree and receive a free bottle of water.

  • Wellness Wednesday Sampling Events are scheduled for each Wednesday in March starting March 9. Check the Schedule below to see when the event is being hosted near you.
  • Recipe cards from cuisines around the world are available at the sampling events and on the N Good Health Department page.

National Nutrition Month Games and Prize Drawing!

  • NNM Soduku
  • NNM Word Search
  • *Complete and turn in at least one game for a chance to win an N Good Health door prize!
    • All forms must be completed and turned in by Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
    • Five winners will be chosen for across the system.

*Must have created a 2022 N Good Health account. If you have not done so already, visit

Virtual Presentation: Celebrate the World of Flavors

Tuesday, March 22, 12:00pm -12:45pm

Join us for a Zoom speaker presentation featuring Nicole McGloshen MS, RD, LD of the N Good Health team. During this presentation, she will discuss habits that promote balanced and nutritious eating, explain ways to eat a variety of nutritious foods and how to celebrate a world of flavors when planning meals and snacks cover topics.
 ZOOM LINK         

The Zoom link is available here. Don’t forget to save it in your outlook calendar!

This presentation will be recorded and stored on this page to view at one’s leisure.   

*While we love seeing your faces, don’t worry if you are not able to join us in person for some of these opportunities. The presentation recording, recipe cards and nutrition games will be available on N Good Health department page under National Nutrition Month 2022 on NSITE.

ACT FAST so you can WIN BIG!

We have so many opportunities for you to WIN BIG this month- don’t miss your chance!

Complete the two program activities by March 15 to be entered to win free medical insurance for 2023 and 500 points to redeem in the N Good Health rewards mall. Three people will win free medical insurance, and 10 winners will be chosen for the rewards mall points.

Two program activities:

  • Well-being survey, found in your new N Good Health account
  • N Good Health physical

Schedule your N Good Health Physical
If you have a Norton Healthcare primary care provider, you can use MyNortonChart to schedule your N Good Health physical. Simply click on “Schedule an appointment with your physician” and select “N Good Health.” 

Need to complete your N Good Health physical but don’t have a primary care provider?
N Good Health participants who don’t have a Norton Healthcare primary care provider or simply need further after-hours or weekend options for scheduling can visit​ to schedule online for any Norton Prompt Care at Walgreens location. Or, you can call (502) 629-1234, option 3, to make an appointment. Be sure to say you are scheduling your “N Good Health physical” when making your appointment.  

Questions? Contact N Good Health at (502) 629-2162 or submit a service request on Nsite by selecting N Good Health under Departments and clicking on the “Contact Us” button. 

If it is unreasonably difficult or inadvisable due to a medical condition for you to complete the program activities to earn wellness credits, you may complete a medical exclusion form in order to qualify for them. Call N Good Health at (502) 629-2162 for the form or answers to any questions.

Get to steppin’ with our new challenge: FIND YOUR STRIDE

Pictured: members of the Clinical Effectiveness team going on a group walk- a perfect example of “finding your stride!”

Making the move from couch potato to consistent exercise isn’t impossible—it’s just a matter of finding your stride! This 6-week challenge eases you into better health with tips for squeezing in extra exercise and a daily step count goal that will increase each week of the challenge.

Challenge Dates: February 28 – April 10​​

How to Participate: Track your step count to achieve a weekly goal. The daily goal will increase each week of the challenge. 

How to Complete the Challenge: Track the minimum requirement of steps for that week for 5 of the 7 days, every week (6 of 6 weeks).

Duration: 6 weeks 


All participants who meet the challenge completion requirement will be entered into the drawing to win a new Fitness Tracker Device.  5 winners will be selected.

Success Story Shoutout: Linda Weber

N Good Health is designed to help you improve or maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Over the past several years, employees from all over the organization have used the program to help make their health a priority. These individuals come from various backgrounds and stages in their wellness journeys, but the N Good Health team is always in awe of the dedication they show.  Recently, we received an email with an awesome story and we are so excited to share with you today.

This email is from Linda Weber in Security, Safety and Emergency Preparedness. In this email, Linda goes into detail about how her N Good Health Physical and preventative screenings alerted her to significant health issues and possibly saved her life as a result. From Linda:

Prior to working for Norton Healthcare I was never good about going to the doctor unless I was really sick.  This February will be my ten year anniversary with Norton Healthcare.  I’ve been getting my annual wellness exams every year since I’ve been employed with Norton.  In August of 2020 it was determined during my wellness exam that I had Type 2 Diabetes.  I took advantage of Norton’s RX for Better Health program and received free supplies and my medication for next to nothing.  Without this program, the cost of the supplies and medication wouldn’t have been affordable, even with our insurance.   

In August of 2021 I had my annual mammogram and they saw something that warranted a second visit.  We did a follow up mammogram in September along with an ultrasound.  They saw something suspicious and scheduled me for a biopsy.  I was lucky enough to get an appointment the next day for the biopsy and then anxiously waited three days for the results.  Three days later I got the news that no one wants to get, I had Cancer!  The good news was they caught it early.  The following month I had the tumor removed and was cancer free!  My boob tried to kill me, but because NHC promotes healthy living and incentivizes their employees to get their annual check-ups,  my breast cancer was caught and removed in a 2 month time span. 

I didn’t have any symptoms to let me know something was wrong with me.  Without my annual checkups I never would have known that I had diabetes or breast cancer.  I’m grateful that I work for an organization that prioritizes their employee’s health because it literally saved my life.    

Do YOU have a story to share?  Please send your wellness success stories to N Good Health by reaching out to Lacey Nelson at with the subject line “Success Story”. You never know who may hear your story and get inspired to make their health a priority!

Bring the fight against heart disease!

February is American Heart Month and Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s number one killer; causing 1 in 3 deaths in the US population each year, according to the CDC.  Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term that includes a variety of conditions that effect both the heart (cardio) and function of blood vessels (vascular) in the body.

If you had a killer on your doorstep, wouldn’t you fight for your life and protect those you love?  Well you can win the fight against heart disease before you are diagnosed and do just that.  You could be at an elevated risk for CVD if you have been told by a doctor that you have any of these key risk factors:   high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, diabetes and/or tobacco use in any form.  Other risk factors include obesity/overweight, pre-diabetes, unhealthy nutrition and not getting enough physical activity. 

Physical activity is an important example of how you can put your dukes up and fight this killer.  Here are 10 key facts about fighting cardiovascular disease with heart-healthy exercise:

  1. To improve your cardiovascular fitness, incorporate 2.5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity into your life each week, the equivalent of 150 minutes per week.  You can break it up into 10 or 15 minute segments at a time and still reap some benefits.
  2. Moderate intensity activity gets your heart rate up and you breathe harder.  Ideally you can still talk but not sing at this level of exertion.
  3. All types of physical activity will improve heart health even in small doses.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator, briskly walk around the block, kayak, dance, cycle, hike, etc.
  4. No matter your size, shape or ability – you can benefit from movement.
  5. Doing SOME activity is better than doing NO activity whether you have heart disease or not.
  6. Walking is the simplest activity and it costs nothing.  Just lace up a pair of comfy shoes and go!
  7. If it’s been a while since you’ve been active, start out at a comfortable pace and build up intensity and duration gradually.
  8. If you have been diagnosed with CVD or any type of heart disease, talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise to determine which types and amounts are best for you.
  9. According to this article, the chances of developing cardiovascular disease increase with a sedentary lifestyle.  Participants in a study reporting more than 23 hours per week of sedentary behavior had a 37% greater risk of CVD morbidity than those participants reporting less than 11 hours/week.
  10. Wearing a heart rate monitor can help optimize your efforts and track your progress.  You can also connect your tracker at

Your best line of defense against cardiovascular disease is to be more active, maintain a healthy weight and eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, includes lean protein sources and avoid added sugars, saturated fat and processed food. If you need help getting started, please feel free to reach out to your team of wellness specialists at N Good Health; we are always happy to help!

Food tips for these times of high stress

When it comes to food while hunkering down at home, a little prep can go a long way. Here are a few tips to help stay nourished and healthy.

Stick to planned meal and snack times
If you are at home throughout the day, you may have noticed the constant access to your pantry. Just because you have access to food all day doesn’t mean the kitchen is open all day. Write down your preferred meal/snack times and stick to them.

Spend this extra time cooking
Bringing more ingredients home instead of prepackaged, processed foods means you’ll be cooking more. Bring out the crockpot, or get some more use out of the Instant Pot gift. Use extra time at home for cooking.

Use cooking as daily activity for kids
What a great time to include kids — they need something to do. Include kids in the rituals of eating — setting the table, etc. Add in an extra baking session of homemade cookies. This is a much healthier alternative to store-bought cookies with unhealthy ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

Cook in bulk
In the planning process, you may want to think about cooking in bulk, so that one cooking session leaves you with meals for several days. This can be very important if you are still going into your workplace and need to take meals with you. Think chili, soups, lasagnas, enchiladas, etc.

Think simple
It doesn’t need to be fancy. Pack a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread and piece of fruit if going to work.

Buy things you will eventually eat
We won’t be social distancing forever. When shopping, be mindful of staples that will last beyond this time. Think about whole-wheat dried noodles; jarred marinara sauce; canned tuna; no-sugar-added cereals like Cheerios; canned or frozen fruits and vegetables; and frozen meats and seafood.

Be prepared to make your own coffee and tea at home
Don’t forget honey, creamer, etc., for your at-home beverages.

Refrigerate your grains
Refrigerate breads, tortillas, buns, etc., to help them last.

Have sick-day items
Be sure to have the things you need if anyone gets sick — crackers, soups, sports drinks, pain relievers, etc.

Avoid snacks you can’t resist
This is not an excuse to eat large amounts of processed foods throughout the day. Avoid bringing snacks with low nutritional value into the house. Grab healthier snacks like microwave popcorn or baking items for an afternoon activity.

Carryout and delivery
Remember that carryout and delivery is still available, so plan ahead, think healthy and remember those whose jobs depend on you.

Making it easier to walk your way to better health!

Walking is one of the easiest, yet most beneficial forms of exercise. Walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can improve heart and lung fitness, support bone health, alleviate joint pain, fight stress and burn fat.

With so many great health benefits at stake, we want walking to be accessible to employees 365 days a year. That’s why our N Good Health team is excited to announce the completion of updates to three indoor walking paths conveniently located at Norton Healthcare facilities.

Click below for the indoor walking paths at the following facilities. For any questions, please reach out to one of your facility Wellness Champions or Dannielle Hadaway of the N Good Health team at

Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital Walking Path

Downtown Campus Walking Path

CPA Lab on Breckenridge Ln. Walking Path

Track your hard work!

Whether walking through your neighborhood, a nearby park or along one of our facility walking paths, track your steps on to measure progress and help you reach goals. The N Good Health website also includes instructions for synching your fitness devices for even easier step tracking. ​

We know it’s good for us so let’s talk about how to incorporate it into our days. Everyone is different so if your baseline is 2000 steps, trying to shoot for 7500 steps tomorrow may feel daunting and could possibly lead to injury.  Set reasonable goals and progress slowly to your ultimate target of 7500 daily steps.  If you are already achieving a minimum of 7500 steps daily, think of what level you would like to reach and start increasing your steps by 10 to 20% each day to reach a higher goal.  

Don’t have time to walk the walking path at work? Here are some ideas to increase your daily steps:

  1. Park your car far from the entrance of work or the store
  2. After loading your groceries in the car, walk your cart all the way back into the store instead of parking it in the corral
  3. Schedule a “walking meeting” with an associate and take a clipboard or small notebook to take notes on if needed
  4. Walk to your coworker’s desk to ask a question instead of sending an email and stroll to the printer to pick up your copies
  5. Pick the restroom or water fountain that is farthest from your work station
  6. Enjoy a pre- or post-dinner walk around the neighborhood
  7. Put on your favorite tunes and shake your groovy to the beat of the music
  8. Walk along while the kids ride their bikes or walk around the field while they play their sport
  9. Meet for a coffee/drink date and take it for a walk
  10. Volunteer at a local animal shelter/veterinarian/doggy day care and walk dogs for them if you don’t  have your own dog to walk
  11. If you ride the bus, get off a stop early or get on a stop later
  12. Walk around the house during commercials if you watch television

Looking for a change of scenery? 

Explore the many parks and trails Louisville has to offer.  Maybe pick one from this list to visit each weekend.  Get creative, break any sedentary habits and enjoy the health benefits of walking each day.

Kicking 2022 off with a BANG- and a chance to win!

You may have noticed that looks a little different right now- that’s because we listened to your feedback and we have made some BIG changes for 2022!  These changes include:

  • An easy-to-use well-being portal
  • Interactive tools and resources
  • Group and personal challenges
  • Video courses you can use throughout your well-being journey

Accessing your account is easy by using the mobile app, allowing seamless syncing of steps, activity, sleep hours, nutrition and more — even with Apple devices!

Earn real time rewards, through the rewards mall, for your engagement in the well-being portal*.  The choice is yours.  Choose from merchandise items, gift cards, wellness credits or give back to the community with charitable donation options.

Get started NOW!

Starting NOW, all employees need to visit to create a new account. is accessible on all devices with internet access. In addition, all employees should download the Navigate Wellbeing app on their mobile devices.


Create your account on the new by Jan. 31, 2022, to be entered to win 200 points to redeem in the N Good Health rewards mall. Five winners will be chosen. There are challenges EVERY SINGLE MONTH from January – August. Click HERE for a listing of every opportunity to win prizes this year.

Who can participate?

All employees have access to the N Good Health wellness program, the well-being portal and mobile app. Spouses on a Norton Healthcare medical plan will have the same access.

The N Good Health team truly cares about your well-being and is available to help you along your path of creating a healthier you. In addition to our exciting program changes, we also offer a number of wellness opportunities and discounts; our team of wellness experts can provide you with in-person or virtual assessments to help guide you to resources that best meet your needs.

Have questions?

You can reach our team by calling (502) 629-2162 or submitting a self-service ticket. Go to Nsite, click on Departments, then N Good Health and select the Contact Us button.

*Employees and spouses enrolled in a Norton Healthcare medical plan will be able to earn points to redeem rewards.

Get steps and stay warm with our updated indoor walking paths!

Walking is one of the easiest, yet most beneficial forms of exercise. Walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can improve heart and lung fitness, support bone health, alleviate joint pain, fight stress and burn fat.

With so many great health benefits at stake, we want walking to be accessible to employees 365 days a year. That’s why our N Good Health team is excited to announce the completion of updates to three indoor walking paths conveniently located at Norton Healthcare facilities.

Do you need some quick steps to walk off stress? Are you looking to hit your daily step count goal on a cold, winter day? Or maybe you just want to take note of the distance you’ve traveled along your normal workday route. You’re in luck!

For any questions, please reach out to one of your facility Wellness Champions or Dannielle Hadaway of the N Good Health team at

Click below for the indoor walking paths at the following facilities:

Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital Walking Path

Downtown Campus Walking Path

CPA Lab on Breckenridge Ln. Walking Path

Photo challenge

Explore the new indoor paths, or any of the eight path options across Norton Healthcare campuses, with some friends or on your own and take your photo in front of one of the signs. Submit the photo (along with the names of all employees pictured) to between Dec. 1 and Dec. 20 to be entered to win a Fitbit Versa. Double up on prize opportunities and use your photo challenge steps for Holiday Hop too!

Find your own path!

Whether walking through your neighborhood, a nearby park or along one of our facility walking paths, track your steps on to measure progress and help you reach goals. The N Good Health website also includes instructions for synching your fitness devices for even easier step tracking. ​